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These guides help you understand the following aspects of each line.


  • Track Speed Limit Changes - however it is up to the driver to ensure that the end of the train has passed as speed limit increases before applying throttle to avoid any overspeeds. Drivers are reminded to drive to weather conditions and allow extra stopping distances in the event of wet or icy rails as well as using sand and reduced throttle to avoid wheel slips and skids. Signal speed limits on USA & German routes are however not included so it up to the driver to follow these ensuring both track and signal limits are adhered to 

  • Gradient Profiles - the maximum and minimum gradients for each section will be included however on lines which have constant gradient changes, minor flucatuations in the gradient will not be include, so again it is up to the driver to monitor his or her speed and the landscape around them, then react according.

  • Distances to stations, speed limit reductions and signals are included however actual braking points are not included.

  • Correct station stoppings are also included however this can vary depending on the lenght of your trains and where possible I will include multiple points for the common train lenghts on the route.

I hope you find these useful, and please let me know about any errors, ommisions or improvements you feel can be made in the comments section.

If you wish to support this site and my guides there is a donate button on the menu.

Thanks for dropping by,


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